Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Close up: flowers

Today's post is on flowers.

To make a good photography on flowers, usually I will use close-up technique, and set the meter reading, shutter and apperture combination to be slightly under-exposed. This normally works for me in order to get correct and vibrant colour, not over-exposed by the surrounding light.

The stem of hibiscus rosa or 'bunga raya'....

This is 'bunga jejarum' or needle flower. The scientific name is ixora javanica, commonly found as garden shrubs. The nectar is sweet...

This image was captured during my visit to Chiang Mai, Thailand. This symbol of waterlily, used by Budhist in Thailand...

Image of bougainvillea or 'bunga kertas' captured at my kampung

hmm... not sure what is the name of this flower. However, it is beautiful...

See u in the next post....


Nur Hafidzah binti Adnan. said...

Gambar yang ada caption :

"This image was captured during my visit to Chiang Mai, Thailand. This symbol of waterlily, used by Budhist in Thailand"

Background yang busy akan menghalang kecantikan bunga...gunakan aperture yang besar untuk mengaburi latarbelakang

Norisam AR said...

Thank you and noted. :)