Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Crow

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.
The crow (or some may call them raven) is common in Malaysia and can be seen almost everywhere.
During our morning visit to Taman Tasik Shah Alam, a crow flew down from the nearby tree to the steel railing not far from where we were seated when my wife started to prepare the sandwich. This was followed by a flock of the bird, they seems to be attracted to the food that we have.
Ignoring their presence, we enjoyed the food and I took some photographs of the bird waiting for some food. My son started to throw some bread on the ground, not far from the bird. It became a feast session for the birds, enjoying the bread presented to them.
Below are one of photos of the birds. Notice the different on the background effect with different aperture setting.    

Shutter 125 , Aperture no. 5.6, ISO200
Shutter 30, Aperture no. 11, ISO200

Thank you.

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